2022 Municipal Election
Municipal elections in Ontario are held every four years and are governed by the Municipal Elections Act. The next municipal election will be held in 2026.
Declaration of Election Results - SWM Declaration
Southwest Middlesex 2022 Election Results Press Release
2022 Election Results
The new term of council begins November 15, 2022.
School Board Election Results
Cocksworth, William |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5251 |
Morell, Arlene |
Thames Valley District School Board |
11,899 |
Sachs, Christine |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5,639 |
Lamb, Josh |
London District Catholic School Board |
O’Hara, David |
Conseil scolaire Viamonde |
405 |
Vandermeer, Joseph |
Conseil scolaire Viamonde |
388 |
Alary, Alexandre |
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence |
Declaration of Acclamation to Office (Ward 2)
2022 Vote Count - Detail
2022 Vote Count - Summary
2022 - Financial Statements
Allan Mayhew |
Amy Choi |
Christa Cowell |
Daniel Jeffery |
Don McCallum |
Ed Myers |
Joel Haggith |
Marigay Wilkins |
Marjorie Emery |
Mark McGill |
Martin Vink |
Mike Sholdice |
Timothy Zavitz |
Zachary Willis |
Candidate Financial Information
Candidate Campaign Finances
The campaign period begins once a nomination paper or notice of registration is filed with the Clerk
- election expenses cannot be incurred outside of the campaign period
- corporations and trade unions are no longer eligible to contribute to municipal election campaigns. This includes all council and school board elections. Corporations and trade unions can be third party advertisers and make contributions to third party advertisers
- a candidate who does not accept any contributions of money, or incur any expenses, is not required to open a separate election bank account
- nomination filing fee is not considered a campaign expense
- candidates are responsible for keeping records of the financial activities related to their campaign. Remember to issue receipts for all donations of goods or services, obtain receipts for expenses incurred and keep copies of all receipt
It is the responsibility of the candidate to file a complete and accurate financial statement on time. Candidates should completely familiarize themselves with the appropriate sections of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
MMAH - Form 4 (Financial Statement - Auditor's Report)
Candidate Information
2022 Certified List of Candidates
Mayor – One (1) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
Allan Mayhew |
148 Ewen Ave., Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
almayhew@execulink.com |
Marigay Wilkins |
22053 Hagerty Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 2N0 |
@email |
Deputy Mayor – One (1) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
Christa Cowell |
23680 Thames Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1A0 |
@email |
Mike Sholdice |
22842 Big Bend Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1Z0 |
@email |
Councillor, Ward 1 – Two (2) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
Daniel Jeffery | 22711 Thames Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1A0 |
@email |
Don McCallum |
80 Victoria Drive, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1T0 |
@email |
Mark McGill |
23129 Taits Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
@email |
Zachary Willis | 52 Middlemiss Ave, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1T0 |
@email |
Timothy Zavitz |
237 Appin Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
Councillor, Ward 2 – ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION |
Name |
Contact Information |
Joel Haggith |
161 Roe St, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
@email |
Ed Myers |
287 Main Street, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
@email |
Councillor, Ward 3 – Two (2) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
Amy Choi |
Southwest Middlesex |
@email |
Marjorie Emery | 22347 Dundonald Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 | marjorie.emery@gmail.com 519-319-6184 |
Martin Vink |
3132 Longwoods Road, Southwest Middlesex, N0L 1M0 |
@email |
Thames Valley District School Board – Two (2) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
William Cocksworth |
Strathroy, ON | @email 519-859-9802 |
Arlene Morell |
Strathroy, ON |
@email |
Christine Sachs |
Granton, ON |
@email |
London District Catholic School Board – ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION |
Name |
Contact Information |
Josh Lamb |
Strathroy, ON |
@email |
Conseil Scolaire Viamonde (French Language Public) - One (1) to be Elected |
Name |
Contact Information |
David O'Hara | Cambridge, ON |
@email |
Joseph Vandermeer |
Dorchester, ON |
@email |
Conseil Scolaire Catholique Providence (French Language Catholic) – ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION |
Name |
Contact Information |
Alexandre Alary |
London, ON |
Who can Become a Candidate?
To be eligible as a candidate in the Southwest Middlesex municipal election, you must meet the following requirements:
- a resident of the municipality or a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality or the spouse of such non-resident owner or tenant
- a Canadian citizen and at least 18 years old
- not legally prohibited from voting and not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office.
Please note that the following people are disqualified from holding office as a member of council:
- an employee of the municipality unless they take an unpaid leave of absence beginning the day they are nominated, and resign if elected to office;
- a judge of any court;
- a Member of Parliament, a Member of Provincial Parliament, or a Senator; or
- a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement(s) in the last municipal election.
How to Become a Candidate
The nomination period has now closed.
Important Dates
Candidate Information Sessions
- Monday, April 4, 2022 - this session has already passed but we encourage you to review the materials from the session under Guides and Forms - Candidates
Nomination Period for Candidates
- May 2, 2022 to August 18, 2022 (Monday to Friday (excl. holidays), 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- Nomination Day is Friday, August 19, 2022 from 9 am to 2 pm
Third Party Advertising Registration Period
- May 2, 2022 to October 21, 2022 (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
Lame Duck (If Applicable) - Restricted Acts After Nomination Day
Related to the Municipal Election - Section 275 of the Municipal Act, 2001 states that if less than 75% of incumbent councillors seek re-election, the Council for a municipality is restricted from passing any by-law that allocates spending of more than $50,000.00 or creates a liability for the municipality greater than $50,000. This is known as a "lame duck" council.
- August 19, 2022 at 2 p.m. or October 24, 2022 (Election Day) running until November 14, 2022 at 11:50 p.m.
Voter's List Revision Period
- September 1, 2022 to October 24, 2022 (prior to close of polls at 8 pm)
Voting Period for Electors
- Starting at 9 am on Monday, October 17, 2022 and closing on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 8 pm
Term of New Council
- November 15, 2022 to November 14, 2026
Ending of Campaigns
- Last date for any candidate and third party campaigning - January 3, 2023
- Candidate and Third Party Financial Reporting Deadline - March 31, 2023 at 2 pm
- Final Late Candidate Financial Reporting (subject to $500.00 late filing fee) - May 1, 2023 at 2 p.m.
Candidate Guides
- 2022 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH)
- 2022 SWM Candidate Information Guide
- 2022 SWM Election Policies and Procedures
- Candidate Information Materials - Session held April 4th - Presentation Document & Video of Training Session
Candidate Forms
- MMAH - Form 4
Voters Guides
- 2022 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH)
Registered Third Party Advertiser Guides
- 2022 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) Registered
For further information about Ontario's municipal and school board elections please see:
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs Election webpage (2022 information guides and forms)