On June 9, 2022, Southwest Middlesex terminated its local COVID-19 State of Emergency (set in place March 17, 2020). Southwest Middlesex continues to place the health and well-being of our community first and foremost and we continue to follow recommendations from MLHU to ensure that we are prepared to respond to any situation as it evolves. The information below offers you the best sources of information and guidance concerning Covid-19 (Coronavirus) which apply to individuals, business and industry.
COVID-19 Public Health Measures and Advice
The Province of Ontario and our local Health Unit have great information and advice as linked below. Here you will find current information concerning COVID-19.
- Province of Ontario
- Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU) Public Health Advice:
- MLHU - Daily Case Count
- MLHU - Vaccine Information
Masks are at the individuals discretion in keeping with the direction from the Province of Ontario. Please respect those that choose to continue to wear a face mask/covering. We actually encourage everyone to continue to mask, physical distance, and to sanitize your hands.
Local Services
Southwest Middlesex continues to follow the direction of the Province and our local health unit with respect to operations in a continued effort to keep our residents and visitors safe.
Cancellations & Closures
- We currently have no cancellations or closures.
- The Municipality of Southwest Middlesex (SWM) continues to work with all levels of government and the Middlesex London Health Unit to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens, businesses and staff.
- We do not require proof of vaccination for entry into our facilities at this time.
- Masks are at the individuals discretion in keeping with the direction from the Province of Ontario. Please respect those that choose to continue to wear a face mask/covering in our facilities. We actually encourage everyone to continue to mask, physical distance, and to sanitize your hands.
- We encourage anyone that is not feeling well to stay home and not attend meetings or events at municipal facilities.
- Residents and businesses are encouraged to arrange for in-person meetings in advance, particularly for meetings with building, planning or senior staff. Our staff directory should be helpful to you in finding contact details.
We continue to provide the following essential services:
- Garbage and Recycling collection continues to operate under the existing schedule with the transfer station continuing to operate as well.
- Fire Departments continue to provide emergency services to the community.
- Water and Wastewater services continue to operate to provide water and sewer services to you.
- Council Meetings are evolving to a hybrid format and can be viewed on our YouTube channel. The hybrid meeting model enables both in-person and virtual attendance.
- Libraries are operated by Middlesex County - for current operation levels please visit Middlesex County Library
Financial Support Links
Financial support may be available from the following sources or some organizations may help you find solutions and obtain support:
Agricultural Supports
Food Bank Information