Address: 21996 Hagerty Road, Wardsville ON.
Seating Capacity:
- Non-fixed seats: 149
- Non-fixed seats and tables: 118
- Dining/SOP: 102
Auditorium Rental Pricing:
- Hourly: $22.00
- Daily Sunday-Thursday (Resident of Southwest Middlesex): $80.00
- Daily Sunday-Thursday (Non-Resident): $120.00
- Daily Friday & Saturday: $165.00
All renters are required to either provide general liability insurance for their rental or purchase it through the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex.
Booking Information:
To book this facility online, please click here.
For more information or assistance with making your booking, please contact Rebecca at 519-287-2015 ext. 8121 or rburlock@southwestmiddlesex.ca.